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Golden Dust
"But as for you, teach what is fitting of sound doctrine"

- Titus 2:1 MEV

Training's R.A.I.S.E. Offers

Healing Canada

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Our hearts are to take the truth of the Word of God as far as we can! Whether we do that in person or by speaking the truth online, our goal is to get the truth of the Word of God to as many people as possible.

Healing is always God’s will. Sickness is a work of the devil, not a blessing from God. Christ had paid the price for our spirit, soul and body. In today’s Christianity, healing for the body is still heavily debated amongst Christians. Some say healing passed away, while others say God heals as He chooses, and still others say, He does not heal at all anymore. The Bible clearly shows us Jesus came to heal the sick, amongst many other things. Since this is a manual on healing, we are concentrating on that.


Salvation is for the soul and body too, not just our spirit. Many times, in Scripture, we see Jesus “healed them all.” The Father’s desire is for all to be healed and saved. Bodily healing is throughout the Bible, not just in the New Testament. Today, there is a tremendous amount of teaching about healing in the church, and there seems to be more sick people in the church, than ever before. In the early church, they did not have any of the numerous books and seminars we have today, but they witnessed incredible signs and wonders. Today, we have all the teaching, and yet little results compared to what they witnessed. If God’s will has not changed, and it has not. If God’s Word has not changed, and it has not, something is missing.


In this training manual/study guide, Marty looks at key components that are not commonly mentioned in healing teaching today such as:


- What is True Salvation?

- Pertinent Truths About Divine Health, Healing and Deliverance.

- Does God Permit Or Allow Suffering.

- Is Gradual Healing Biblical?

- Jesus Paid The Price For Our Healing.

- Myths About Healing.

- Various Ways Of Administering Healing.

- Christians Are Not To Display Satan’s Works.

- Baptism In The Holy Spirit.

- And much more!

Healing God's

Spiritual Psychological Warfare

Spiritual Psychological Warfare focuses on the enemy’s methods and tactics against humanity. The enemy of our soul uses any means available to him to pervert the minds of people from knowing the Truth of the Word of God. The devil is the great deceiver of the world, and he is a master at it.


Most people believe the devil walks around with big horns, a tail, and a pitchfork, attacking people. This would be too obvious and easily spotted to be true or effective in people’s lives. If he could do that, it would save him a lot of time.


Instead, he must be cunning, deceitful, and subtle. The constant attack on the mind of believers is what Spiritual Psychological Warfare is. The devil is a spirit, and he mostly attacks psychologically to wage war on people. If he can get you mentally, he can get everything about you. You cannot be spiritually strong without being mentally strong.


This teaching exposes the methods of the devil in Spiritual Psychological Warfare and the way he uses Psychological Operations against you to break your will.



In this teaching we look at:


- Methods of PSYOPS

- True Discipleship

- What spiritual warfare is and what it is not

- Characteristics of people with great faith

- Principles of warfare

- Methods of the enemy and much more

Spirit, Soul and Body focuses on our three part being, but it also focuses on God’s three part being. You cannot fully understand how you were created in God’s image and likeness without understanding who God is, what He looks like, and what His nature and character is.


In this teaching we look at the fact that God is a Spirit and that He has a Soul and a Body. Have you ever asked, what does it look like to be created in the image and likeness of God? Who is God really?



In this teaching we look in depth at:



- God is a Spirit

- God has a Soul

- God has a Body

- The spirit of man

- The soul of man

- The body of man and so much more!



Our hearts are to take this message as fast and as far as we can! Whether that be by way of physically going somewhere or spreading it through the internet. Our goal is to get the Truth of the word of God to as many people as possible! 

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Raise Ministries preaches the unadulterated Word of God. We desire to bring back the sanctified, consecrated, glorious church, the world once witnessed.

If you need prayer for healing please feel free to contact us here or call: 

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