Marty and Brigitte Nystrom
Born Again Christian
In the fall of 1998 Marty and Brigitte submitted their lives to the Lord. They immediately started serving in a small church plant, where they served on the worship team, office staff, and directed the outreach team. About 11 months later Marty was given an opportunity to preach in the church. At that time, Marty stepped into his calling from the Lord to preach the Gospel. They served in a local church until the spring of 2015.
In the summer of 2015, R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International was founded by Marty and Brigitte. R.A.I.S.E. is an acronym for; Ready, Able, Instructed, Sanctified and Empowered. In the fall of 2015, they went on their first missions trip to Mexico, under R.A.I.S.E. Ministries. They traveled and ministered under R.A.I.S.E. Ministries until the summer of 2017, when they joined up with another ministry until November of 2023. There, they travelled extensively to many different countries, preaching the Gospel.
Now, in 2024, the Lord has them once again under R.A.I.S.E. Ministries. Being an apostolic ministry, Marty and Brigitte have a deep desire to see the church rise up and once again, be who the church is supposed to be. Marty has now authored several books and training manuals to equip the saints to walk by Kingdom Principle. Under Marty’s Kingdom Principle Teaching Series, he covers a wide range of Biblical topics to help people understand true Biblical doctrine. We want to thank you for visiting our website, and learning a little more about us.
Be Blessed,
Marty, Brigitte and the R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International team.

Equipping the saints to walk by Kingdom Principle
Our mission is very simple. We desire to train up believers in Christ to be
followers of Christ. With so much emphasis on power in the church today, we
believe that people have forgotten about the importance of holiness,
righteousness, sanctification, consecration, and repentance.
Our desire is to train people up in the whole counsel of God and not to just walk
in power. Power is very necessary, but it needs to come from right relationship
with the Father. We desire to not only teach who believers are in Christ, but who
the Father is to us. We desire to understand God in the greatest way possible.
Our Mission
Our Leadership
R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International is a group of dedicated team members with a desire to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth. All our team members work with honesty and integrity to get the Word of God into the world. Our team, from our Apostolic overseers to our prayer team, order fulfillment, app development, social media/website, and videographer, work cohesively as a team in unity, trust, and fellowship.
We are truly proud of the team that God has assembled here at R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International. Our promise to you is, we will do our very best to honor God as we serve Him and the people around us.
Be Blessed,
The R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International Team